One platform,
for all investment activities
Create companies and portfolios
With the Investime portfolio management platform, it's easy to create the entire structure of your investment company, including its subsidiaries and portfolios. You can also customize access rights for each portfolio separately.
Stock (Nasdaq)
Investime includes stock and fund data from over 10 years ago. The software retrieves data for each trading day in advance, so you can see your returns at any desired moment. Get a comprehensive view of your entire investment portfolio's value and its complete performance history all in one display.
Asset classes
You can also input unlisted stocks and other unlisted investment instruments into the service. Managing the values of your own shares is extremely easy within the program.
All transactions
Investime is the place for all the events that occur in investment activities. In Investime, you'll find all the essential functions for events: purchases, sales, exchanges, dividends, and splits.
Portfolio Summary
In the portfolio summary, you can see what you have purchased, when, at what price, and how much your investment has yielded in euros or percentages. At the same time, you can review the performance of each security over different time periods.
You can create reports using various filters. Reports can be exported in Excel and PDF formats. We also provide individual investors with a tax authority-approved 9A tax report.
Investime Oy
Wealth management system
- We have several investment service companies and institutional investors among our clients. Investime manages over five billion euros of investment assets every day.
- With Investime, you can view the distributions of your own and your clients' portfolios, calculate brokers' and portfolio managers' fees, and much more.
- Investime provides you with performance and tax reports as well as portfolio summaries.
Who is Investime® suitable for?
For those interested in investing
If you've just started investing and are considering which software to use to manage and track your assets, Investime is just right for you.
For investors looking to manage their own stock portfolios in a controlled manner
If you're already an experienced professional in the investment industry, Investime is highly suitable for you. The software allows for very versatile portfolio management, reporting, recording, and more.
For investment industry companies
Investime is suitable for accounting firms, law firms, foundations, and other players in the investment industry, as well as institutional investors who need a platform for portfolio management. We can build essential integrations, such as accounting, into the service.
Investime® has been designed to be as consistent as possible, making it easy to understand and use.
When you follow the age-old principle of buying low and selling high, you will succeed wonderfully. To achieve this, it’s advisable to use signals provided by moving averages for buying and selling, for example. Common sense is not prohibited when making buying and selling decisions.
The program’s instructions and the “Technical Analysis” page explain what analyses are and how they are used. Boldly try out different options and see what happens. Create a practice portfolio and make virtual purchases and sales in it. With Investime, you can track the development of your practice portfolio as if it were real. You gain valuable experience before investing your assets in actual stocks.
Utilizing Nasdaq exchange data

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